Light up a Life 2023

Celebrate the life of your loved one this Christmas

When you make a donation, we will send you a commemorative card with the name of your loved one and a light will shine in St Benedict's hospice grounds in their memory. 

You are most welcome to attend our Light up a Life service; this will take place at St. Benedict's Hospice on Sunday, 3rd December at 3pm; this service is free to attend but you will need to reserve your places by calling 0191 5128436.

To ensure that your dedication is printed in the remembrance book, please make your donation by 12th November; dedications received after this date will be printed on an additional sheet which will be enclosed in the remembrance book . 


Thank you for supporting St. Benedict's Hospice




Missing you so much Mam our lives will never be the same without you. You really were one in a million. Always did and always will love you so much. A Mother holds her child's hand for awhile, their hearts Forever Rest In Peace Mam ❤❤❤ Reunited with the love of your life